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The Genesis of Genesis: a documentary short

At Genesis' Erev Thanksgiving Service last November, we showed a first cut of this short documentary on the genesis of Genesis, produced by Reverend Anne Clarke. Now we are pleased to present the final cut!

In the film, four founders share recollections about how our unique partnership evolved.

Allyn Kantor (TBE President 1969-71) talks about negotiating the first rental agreement with his college friend, Bob Creal (Genesis President 1975-76).

Judy Erb (St. Clare's Vestry Clerk)—we think jokingly—credits "the Holy Spirit" for the original idea of moving from a rental arrangement to a partnership, since Rabbi Warshal and Reverend Evett each credit the other for the concept.

Marilyn Scott (TBE President 1977-81) reflects on both the serendipity and idealism in the arrangement:

"It was a good financial arrangement. But that was the least of it. There was a commitment from both congregations [to show the world] that two different faiths could share a single space and make it work.

At a foundational moment, there was even a divine sign! But no spoilers, you'll need to watch for that revelation.

The Genesis of Genesis

In order to watch full screen, here's the Genesis of Genesis on YouTube.



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